Mount And Blade Warband Best Wife
I meet a father of a potential bride, he is a Count and my relation is 23 with him, he says i can seal the deal with marrying his daughter, but I am not 'distinguished' enuf or sometyhin like that1) Where can I actually meet this daughter of his so I can start working on getting her to like me. (Her location is not dislclosed, when I click on her in the characters tab)2) What is the prerequiste i must get to get her father's blessing? Do I also have to get her brother to like me as well?
This is tediuous. Eligible ladies can be found in most castles, they are either the daughter or sister of existing lords.As far as gaining reputation with them to marry them, you can:-Win a tournament in the town they're in then dedicate to her by talking to her.-Asking how to win her favor, and if she gives you a quest, do it.You'll also want to win her brother and/or father's favor by doing quests for them, etc.
So you don't have to 'run off and marry her' which will cause more complications reptuation-wise. Eligible ladies can be found in most castles, they are either the daughter or sister of existing lords.As far as gaining reputation with them to marry them, you can:-Win a tournament in the town they're in then dedicate to her by talking to her.-Asking how to win her favor, and if she gives you a quest, do it.You'll also want to win her brother and/or father's favor by doing quests for them, etc.
Mount & Blade: Warband is a standalone expansion to Mount & Blade – an action role-playing game developed by TaleWorlds Entertainment and published by Paradox interactive in 2010. The game is an unique action RPG game, in which players take the role of a knight and guide their character through a long journey full of adventures during which. When I play together with my real wife, we always choose the prettiest girl for our guy, and the most handsome and cunning lord for our gal. When I minmax, the best possible father would: - own a city. have cunning or martial personality. be already at odds with his monarch. Astrologer shriram bhat pune sakal.
Mount And Blade War Band Cheats
So you don't have to 'run off and marry her' which will cause more complications reptuation-wise. Snared04 Thats the thing I cannot physically find her in the castle, i only can find her father who speaks of her.does she stroll around the courtyard??